On-demand professional development for English language teachers

Do you want to supplement the CPD that you provide to English teachers?
You can provide access to the Language Fuel course collection via your own platform.

Each course is only 20 minutes long, recognising teachers' busy schedules.

Licensing Language Fuel courses is a fraction of what guest speakers, teacher trainers or seminars can cost. Add this as a low-cost option to your repertoire.

There are over 90 courses with new ones added periodically. They map to all different stages of the EAQUALS framework for language teacher development.

Courses are 100% on-demand and online. Professional development can happen anywhere, anytime. A great complement to your face-to-face workshops.

Each teacher gets the input they need. Teachers can do a self-assessment, to discover their 'growing edge' and choose courses to meet their needs.
Course list

Career Pathways
Becoming a teacher trainer
Getting started with conference presentations
Giving a conference presentation
Introduction to writing graded readers
The process of writing graded readers
Writing original learner fiction

Language proficiency
I've never been to New York (B1)
At the supermarket (B1)
The new neighbour (B1)
Managing money (B2)
Climate strike (B2)

Teaching adult ESOL literacy: what is it, and what is involved?
Practical activities for teaching basic literacy to adult ESOL learners

Getting started With teaching reading
Getting started with extensive reading
Practical pre-reading activities for graded readers
Practical while-reading activities with graded readers
Practical post-reading activities with graded readers
Getting started with using picture books effectively for young learners

Teaching vocabulary to young learners
Getting started teaching vocabulary
Using flashcards effectively in your teaching

Classroom managment
Basic classroom management
Motivating the unmotivated
Practical activities to encourage cooperative learning
Getting started with cooperative learning
Raising student awareness of group dynamics
Fostering group dynamics in regular classroom activities
Error correction techniques
Getting started with flipped learning
Understanding errors in the langugage classroom

Cultural awareness
Getting started with intercultural awareness
How culture is formed in childhood
Cultural differences in everyday life

Getting started with teaching speaking
Managing the classroom during speaking tasks

Engagement in synchronous online learning
Motivating teaching tools for synchronous online learning
Teaching a virtual classroom
Getting started with flipped learning
Flipped learning: making videos for online learning
Teaching English with online videos

Getting Started with CLIL: content & language integrated learning
The CLIL Wheel: introduction & the 4Cs
The CLIL wheel: five parameters describing content
The CLIL wheel: five parameters describing communication and cognition

Language awareness
Diving into English tenses
Understanding phrasal verbs
Getting started with word classes
Digging deeper into word classes: Overview
Digging deeper into word classes: specifics
Understanding conditionals
Understanding basic sentence structures
Understanding forms and functions of English verbs

Getting started with teaching pronunciation
Getting started with the English phonemic alphabet
Learn the English phonemic symbols
Understand & teach pronunciation at the phrase and sentence level
Understand & teach pronunciation at the word level
Understand & teach pronunciation at the sound level

Understanding proficiency
Understanding the IELTS test system
Understanding proficiency: an overview
Understanding fluency

Teaching listening skills (macro-, micro-, language)

How to teach business English vocabulary
Teaching a virtual classroom
Getting Started with adult ESOL
Getting started with teaching one to one
Teaching one to one: making the most of your lessons
Teaching one to one: dealing with common problems
Teaching one to one: practical activities
Getting started with early childhood English teaching
Getting started with young learners
Getting started with teaching business English
How to teach the language of charts and graphs
Teaching teenagers: an introduction
Teaching teenagers verbal communication skills

Lesson planning
Teaching in the face of the climate crisis
ELT lesson models – an introduction
Learner preferences
Getting started with assessment
Tasks, criteria and learning from assessment
Feedback in assessment
Concept checking questions
Introducing grammar in context
SMART goals for language teaching
Lesson planning

Getting started with genre-based writing
"The authors are an impressive bunch, well-qualified and experienced praticitioners from all around the globe. Many are award-winning published experts in their field."
Katherine Quigley
"Well designed and easy to navigate. Courses are clearly described and have attractive visuals... They also supply a number of immediately useful materials, and they build confidence."
Clare McGrath
Reviewer for English Australia
"I couldn't recommend Language Fuel enough! There is such a wide range of courses available to suit everyones needs - even teachers who had been teaching for a long time could find courses to develop their exisiting skills."
Annemarie Kiely
Assistant DOS, Sydney English Language Academy
"The training is the best PD that I know of for busy teachers!... The mini courses are acievable in one short "sitting"; the presentation style engages teachers."
Dorothy Thwaite
Programmes Projects and Support Coordinator at English Language Partners